Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #332 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of Russia - Pleskau 1941 30k Prussian blue, with diagonal "Pleskau" handstamp in red, used on cover, tied by Cyrillic "Pskow 8.8.41" cds in violet, v.f., these provisional handstamps were only in use between August 7-8, 1941 and are very rare, with 2009 Krischke cert.,
Catalog #Mi.Vb Catalog Value €4,500 | Price Realized $2,500.00
 | Lot #333 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of Russia - Pleskau 1941 20k on 1k black, surcharged in black, n.h., v.f., signed Keiler, with 2009 Krischke cert., ** Catalog #Mi.1a Catalog Value €650 | Price Realized $350.00
 | Lot #334 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of Russia - Pleskau 1941 20k on 1k black, surcharged in red, n.h., v.f., signed Keiler, with 2009 Krischke cert., ** Catalog #Mi.1b Catalog Value €500 | Price Realized $270.00
 | Lot #335 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of Russia - Pleskau 1941 20k on 3k light blue, n.h., fresh and v.f., signed Keiler, with 2009 Krischke cert., ** Catalog #Mi.3 Catalog Value €1,200 | Price Realized $750.00
 | Lot #336 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of Russia - Pleskau 1941 30k Prussian blue, with proof of the overprint in black, n.h., v.f. and rare, only 50 issued, signed Keiler, with 2009 Krischke cert., ** Catalog #Mi.3P Catalog Value €1,400 | Price Realized $750.00
 | Lot #337 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of Russia - Pleskau 1941 60k carmine, with proof of the overprint in black, n.h., v.f. and rare, only 65 issued, signed Keiler, with 2009 Krischke cert., ** Catalog #Mi.4P Catalog Value €1,800 | Price Realized $750.00
 | Lot #338 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of Russia - Pleskau 1941 Red Cross, imperf. souv. sheet of four, vertical watermark, unused without gum as issued, with 16.12.41 cancel at upper left, v.f.,
(*) Catalog #Mi.Block 1X Catalog Value €1,400 | Price Realized $550.00
 | Lot #339 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of Russia - Pleskau 1941-42 20k black, imperf. tete-beche pair, proof on bank paper, also die proof of 60k in black, all v.f. P Catalog #Mi.11P | Price Realized $425.00
 | Lot #340 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of Russia - Pleskau 1942 20k green, imperf. lower right block of four, bottom pair double impression, also 60k red, imperf. single double impression, n.h., minor gum disturbances, still v.f.,
*/** Catalog #Mi.14B,15B DD Catalog Value €920 | Price Realized $575.00
 | Lot #341 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of Russia - Pleskau 1942 Red Cross, two perf. souvenir sheets, n.h., one reduced to frame lines and cancelled at top, fine-v.f.,
** Catalog #Mi.Block 3 Catalog Value €1,000 | Price Realized $400.00