Images | Description | Current Bid |
| Lot #2509 WESTERN UKRAINE 1918 surcharges, 5sh and 10sh, used in combination with two Austrian stamps on registered cover from Kolomea 18.III.19 to Chodorow, boxed "Cenzura Kolomija" hs, fine and rare cover, with Mikulski cert. (Mi.1-2)
| Price Realized $2,300.00
| Lot #2510 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 Polish-Ukrainian War, letter-sheet from Krakow to Kalusz (Eastern Galizia) with round "Komitet Opieki nad Ofiaromi Wojny Kresowej w Krakowie" (Committee to aid the victims of the Polish-Ukrainian War) hs in violet on back, sent post-free via Stanislau where it received "Cenzurowano" hs, also with Polish military hs in Krakow "Dowodztwo Okregu Generalnego" (Regional Headquaters), fine and interesting correspondence between the two warring countries, with Mikulski cert.
| Price Realized $1,400.00
| Lot #2511 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 Polish-Ukrainian War, free frank cover (opened for display) from a Polish P.O.W. interned in a camp near Kolomea, addressed to Lwow with "Cenzura Wojskowa w Stanislawowie" (Polish military censorship in Stanislawow) and Ukrainian "Holownyj Censurnij Uriad pri D.S.W.S."(Main Censorship Office at DSWS) and "Cenzurowano" hs, fine and extremely rare usage to Lwow which was by then in Polish hands, with Mikulski cert.
| Price Realized $1,400.00
| Lot #2512 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 12sh green blue, block of four, upper right stamp missing part of the overprint, diagonal crease at right, with partial overprint on reverse, v.f. and extremely rare variety, with Mikulski cert. *
| Price Realized $750.00
| Lot #2513 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 12sh green blue, double surcharge, horiz. pair, l.h., v.f., signed Korner, with Mikulski cert., *
Catalog Value $ 500 | Price Realized $450.00
| Lot #2514 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 10gr on 10kr violet, double overprint, used with 2kr, 3kr and 4kr on piece, v.f., with Mikulski cert. Only 50 (two sheets) of the error were printed, O
Catalog Value $ 3,170 | Price Realized $2,300.00
| Lot #2515 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 3sh olive gray, double overprint, n.h., v.f., signed Karl Korner etc., rare, **
Catalog Value $ 300 | Price Realized $625.00
| Lot #2516 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 6sh violet, two diff. varieties of overprint, one missing "H", another missing "Y", pos.5 and 21 resp., v.f., with Mikulski cert. *
| Price Realized $500.00
| Lot #2517 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 12sh blue, inverted overprint, n.h., v.f., signed Karl Korner etc., rare, **
Catalog Value $ 550 | Price Realized $625.00
| Lot #2518 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 60sh carmine rose, v.f. used, signed Calves, Leo Stein etc., O Catalog #57 Catalog Value $ 800 | Price Realized $625.00
| Lot #2519 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 surcharged with three bars, 15h on 36h, v.f., signed Champion, Calves, rare, * Catalog #64 Catalog Value $ 325 | Price Realized $230.00
| Lot #2520 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 surcharged with three bars, 15h on 36h, v.f. used, signed Champion, Romeko, Leo Stein etc, rare, O Catalog #64 Catalog Value $ 400 | Price Realized $230.00
| Lot #2521 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 4gr on 4kr carmine and yellow green, pos.16, shifted surcharge, missing "Y" of "Ykp", v.f. Out of the 60 issued, only two such varieties exist, with Mikulski cert. (Mi.87var, catalogue value for the normal stamp) *
Catalog Value € 2,000 | Price Realized $2,300.00
| Lot #2522 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 10h on 50h, double overprint, v.f., signed Mikulski *
| Price Realized $750.00
| Lot #2523 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 5gr on 5kr, pos.17, missing "PEII", creased, otherwise fine. The only known used example of this variety (out of 60 stamps issued), with Mikulski cert. (Mi.91var, catalogue value for normal stamp) O Catalog #103 Catalog Value € 2,500 | Price Realized $1,800.00
| Lot #2524 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 2gr variety "Hrywen" instead of "Hrywni", seven letters instead of six, five copies, used on registered local Stanislaw cover, v.f., rare, signed Dr.Berger (catalogued as five used singles)
Catalog Value € 750 | Price Realized $1,400.00