Images | Description | Current Bid |
| Lot #2629 Polish Balloon Flights 1915-39 balance of the collection written up on pages, 100+ flown covers or cards, incl. Przemysl (1), various special labels and cachets, with Gordon-Bennett, Challenge and other Balloon races. In addition, there are 85+ post WWII (to 1962) covers, both balloon and glider flights, many interesting and rare items, fine-v.f.
| Price Realized $3,500.00
| Lot #2630 Polish Balloon Flights 1926 (19.10) four diff. flown cards, Balloons "Poznan", "Lwow", "Krakow" and "Warszawa", each appropriately franked with perf. 1zl label, in combination with regular franking, fine Catalog #Fischer 1a-d | Price Realized $200.00
| Lot #2631 Polish Balloon Flights 1926 imperf. 1zl label, horiz. pair, v.f. *
| Price Realized $100.00
| Lot #2632 Polish Balloon Flights 1926 Balloon "Lwow", Warszawa to Kleszczele, flown cover, attractively franked with the 1zl label, used in combination with three additional L.O.P.P. labels and regular franking, fine and rare
| Price Realized $140.00
| Lot #2633 Polish Balloon Flights 1926 Balloon "Lwow", flown card Praga-Horomerice, franked with 50h Masaryk, canc. Podbaba 13.VI.27, with "Par Ballon Monte Lwow Exposition Inter. Prague" label (imperf. at top and right), with additional markings incl. "Horomerice" hs in violet, fine. Only 50 carried Catalog #Fischer 2b | Price Realized $650.00
| Lot #2634 Polish Balloon Flights 1927 Balloon "Poznan", two flown covers, franked with perf. and imperf. 1zl labels, each with appropriate markings incl. red "III Raid Balonow Kulistych" in red, Kuznica Grodz. 1.X. departure, cover with perf. label has arrival pmk, fine-v.f. Catalog #Fischer 3b | Price Realized $230.00
| Lot #2635 Polish Balloon Flights 1927 Balloon "Krakow", flown ppc (Institute of Aerodynamics in Warsaw) franked with imperf. 1zl label, used in combination with regular franking, addressed to Prof. Mikstein in Krakow, Maloryta 1.X.28 departure pmk, v.f. Catalog #Fischer 3c | Price Realized $160.00
| Lot #2636 Polish Balloon Flights 1929 Balloon "Warszawa", flown card, Poznan-Teupitz, with appropriate "Allgemaine Polnische Landes Ausstellung Poznan" label, overprinted "Miedz. Zawody Bolonow" and tied by a violet hs in French, used in combination with Polish and Germanfranking, v.f. Only 50 carried Catalog #Fischer 4d | Price Realized $625.00
| Lot #2637 Polish Balloon Flights 1929 Balloon "Wilno", flown card, Poznan-Berlin, with appropriate "Allgemaine Polnische Landes Ausstellung Poznan" label, overprinted "Miedz. Zawody Bolonow" (inverted), tied by a violet hs in French, used in combination with Polish only franking, v.f. Only 50 carried, few exist with inverted overprint (cat. value 6,000zl) Catalog #Fischer 4c | Price Realized $1,450.00
| Lot #2638 Polish Balloon Flights 1933 (Sep 2), Gordon-Bennet International Balloon Race, Chicago to Canada. Poland took first award with the Polish balloon "Kosciuszko" manned by Capts Hynek and Burzynski. They flew 1350km in 391/2 hours and landed inCanada. Cover (opened for display) franked with US block of 4 of 2c Pulaski (provided on assumption that the balloon will land in the United States) and Canadian adhesives, all cancelled on arrival in Riverre a Pierre & signed by the pilot
| Price Realized $675.00
| Lot #2639 Polish Balloon Flights 1936 (17.5) Balloon "Hel", 15gr Port Gdansk stationery card, additionally franked with pairs of 5fr and 15gr overprinted, used in combination with regular franking, Bialosliwie arrival pmk, v.f.
| Price Realized $170.00